March 2015

ONE BILLION PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD HAVE NO CLEAN WATER due to NO FILTRATION. This means ONE BILLION PEOPLE of children, women and men around the world are directly exposed to life threatening water borne disease. Sunday March 22, 2015 was World Water Day #worldwaterday. THIS ENTIRE...

Artists for Trauma had the pleasure of being one of the sponsors of the 3rd Annual Student Conference for Integrative Medicine (ASCIM), “Exploring Integrative Medicine from a Clinical to Global Scale,” hosted by Students for Integrative Medicine (SIM) at UCLA on February 28, 2015 at...

Artists for Trauma important information share…BUYER BEWARE…IT IS NOT WORTH IT…DO NOT RISK YOUR LIFE ON BLACK MARKET MEDICAL PROCEDURES…SAVING MONEY MAY COST YOUR LIFE! THIS REALITY EXISTS: PHILADELPHIA (AP) - A Philadelphia madam-turned-faux cosmetic surgeon kept up the ruse of being a medical expert even as...